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Who is controlling us?

Credits ( Part 1.  Well, today i am going to interpret some of the  philosophical explanations and underlying fundamental truth of who is controlling oneself ? is the person himself  is making decision for themselves or is he/she being controlled by various factors which is merely hidden to human perspective or is it something else outside every day perspective view of human condition. well brace yourself because i am going to take you little deeper, the journey to the deepest minds. okay, i am talking directly to you, yes you the person who is reading it now. when you where born, you where given a name by your parents by their own choice, and you where labeled with whatever religion your parents is in, and now you are in that religion now. and you grew up learning in school, getting graduation, and you are ready to face the world by getting a good safe job, and all of a sudden you know deep inside that you

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